Oren Shalom - Telepathy show

קוסם למבוגרים

Oren Shalom is an international mentalist performer and has shattered the stereotype world of magic.  He has taken magic in a very surprising direction.  The secret to Oren's success is his natural ability to entertain and to fascinate people.

He has pioneered a new form of magic with his own inimitable style and personality. He transcends the tricks and connects personality with his audience on a level which they can relate to.  Oren combines amazing skills with gentle humor throughout his shows. In addition to Oren's speciality, he also performs "close up" magic tricks by interacting with the audience on a personal level.  During the performance, Oren will walk up to various people in the audience and will perform various tricks to people on a personal level, enabling the audience to participate in the show.  Simultaneously, the audience will experience the magic first hand.

While Oren is amongst the audience, strange things occur.  Spoons will bend, cards and rings tend to fly in the air and many coincidences will transpire in the audience.

At the end of each show, everyone in the audience is filled with some magical memories.